Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Education Academy
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Medical Faculties
The DMDEA has an extensive library with an excellent collection of 1176 books and 80 journals, of which of 59 are international and 21 national. Non-book material in Diabetes, Ocular Research, Food, Nutrition & Dietetics, Cell & Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics, Epidemiology and other Diabetes complications is also available.The mission of the library is to provide information services and access to bibliographic and full text digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and informational needs of the users.

The library uses KOHA Open Sources software package which is an integrated multi-user library management system that supports all in-house operations of the Library. The KOHA consists of modules on acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serials, article indexing and OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). Retrospective conversion of bibliographic records has been completed and more than 1176 bibliographic records of books available in the Library can now be accessed through the KOHA OPAC. The database of books is also available in the Library.

Eprints@MDRF is the Open Access research outputs repository of Madras Diabetes Research Foundation a sister institution of DMDEA. Research outputs of MDRF - journal papers, conference papers, reports, theses, patents etc. - are uploaded/self-archived by users. Interested users can freely download and use documents as most of them are directly accessible and full-text downloadable. 'Request Copy' forms can be used for documents to which direct full-text download is restricted.

Medical coverage is free for the students who avail diagnosis and treatment at Dr.Mohan’s Diabetes Education Academy. Apart from this, the Life Style Clinic also offers personalized care to interested students and help them modify their living pattern to lead a healthy life.
The health club at Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre is opened to the students from 3.30 pm to 7.00 pm. The facilities include
  • Tread mill
  • Cycling
  • Exercises (warm up, cool down, stretching, Abdomen exercise, resistance training stepper exercise, circuit exercise)
  • Table Tennis
Facilities are also available for personalized counseling and diet and periodic evaluation of fitness.
A modern kitchen manned by experienced dietitians is located in the premises itself. A cyclic menu that includes a variety of dishes has been incorporated to avoid monotony. High tech ultra modern kitchen with time saving quality ensuring, taste enhancing equipment are all available. The students can make use of this facility on payment of a nominal amount.